N.J. Colleges Compete for Pilot Program

Don Borden, Camden County College’s president, finds evidence of local financial struggles right outside his school’s Blackwood campus.

“The perception is that poverty in our county is centered in the city of Camden, when, in reality, there are pockets of poverty in many parts, including the southern area, where our main campus is,” he said. “So, we’re checking a lot of the boxes as far as the scope and need of support for our community.”

If it sounds as if Camden County College makes a good argument for increased funding for the population it serves, that’s because it’s coming up with one.

Camden County College is one of the state’s 19 community colleges making a case to participate in a limited pilot program that will cover tuition and other fees for certain eligible students. Only some schools will be selected for the program after the application period ends this month.

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